
My Role...

Package Designer

Solo Project
Background & Inspirations

Creating package design for a perfume sample bottle would be one of the most interesting projects that I have done. This was my very first package design, so I struggled quite a bit at first. From initially making complex and random triangle bottle prisms to making thoughtfully designed dress folded design, the process was challenging but rewarding at the same time.

When I got a sample perfume from my professor, the scent reminded me of spring but with a sense of elegance and luxury. Keywords such as "Ethereal beauty," "Bold," and "Freedom" came to mind. Along with that came "Season of Love — Spring."

My idea of the fragrance was the ballroom scene which is a pretty common scene in many romantic dramas/books. This promotion would target females in their early twenties to early thirties, who would love to experience a ballroom scene once in their life. Or anyone who loves fairytales and the scent of roses.

So for this assignment I choose a ball gown with roses in the background. The packaging of the bottle would be the top half of the gown made into a triangular prism box with the cardstock and the fragrance information.

For the promotional poster, I had two couples doing waltz with the bottle as the central attention and the two small bottles signalling to the couples.